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File Breaking Software

File Breaking Software -

File Breaking Software

Calculatoare Internet


File Breaking Software

File breaking software split file into specified number of blocks or at specified unit size, so they can be easily attached to an email stored in a removable device such as USB drive, floppy disk, CD, DVD and PC. File split large file into small chunks which are easy to be sent and stored, while Files Joiner allows you to join these split parts together so that the original file is restored. Splitted document size is up to you, no size limit.

Cuvinte cheie:
File, Breaking, Software, Splitter, Cutter, Splitting, Program, Divide, Split, Cut, Large, Big, Size, ZIP, RAR, MP3, Audio, Files, Rejoin, Batch, Multiple, Smaller, Parts, Documents, Merger, Utility, Create, Tool, Merge, Combine, Add, Join, Chunks


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